Horseback riding to The Khagiin khar lake

Tour description

Horse trekking to the Khentii Mountains and the remote areas of the Khan Khentii Strictly Protected Area.
The Khentii Mountains Wilderness
Challenge your spirit of adventure. Enter the Khan Khentii, steeped in the spiritual history of Mongolia. Its wildness will reward you with magnificent scenery, and the solitude of the Northern forest. Follow ancient horse trails to the sources of the rivers. Encounter wildlife. Make a high mountain passage with our pack horses. Enjoy camping comforts in the wild.
Khagiin Khar lake
You will see beautiful lake surrounded by natural forest.

Khagiin Khar lake is a remote lake hidden in the deep interior forests of the Khan Khentii Strictly Protected Area, part of the Hentii wilderness northeast from Ulaanbaatar. It is Mongolia’s only true wilderness in the sense that it is completely devoid of people and domestic animals. It is a realm of wolves, moose, red deer, gazelle, wild boar, lynx and brown bear. We will not meet any people for most of the journey. The Tuul River originates from Khagiin khar lake, eventually winds its way through Ulaanbaatar and finally drains out to the north into the Selenge River. In turn feeds two-thirds of its water into Lake Baikal, which ultimately empties into the Arctic Ocean. A couple of kilometers away the Herlen River originates. It belongs to the separate Pacific drainage basin. Khagiin khar lake is located within the taiga lifezone at 1800 meters above see level. It is near the starting point of a number of Asian rivers, some of which drain north to the Arctic Ocean and others east to the Pacific Ocean.

Day1. Pick you up and start tour
Day2. Starting our horse trekking
Day3. Riding along Tuul river in Khan Khentii protected area.
Day4. Riding to Khagiin Khar lake.
Day5. Relaxing day at the lake.
Day6-7. Riding through Khavirga mountain pass.
Day8-9. Riding through Gorkhi – Terelj national park and Tuul river basin.
Day10. Return back to the camp place where the horses live

Day1. Pick you up and start tour
We will start our trip by visiting the largest equestrian statue of Chinggis Khaan, and Terelj National Park.
Day2. Starting our horse trekking
Begin our horse trek from Gorkhi – Terelj national park and ride along Tuul river towards Khagiin khar lake.
Day3. Riding along Tuul river in Khan Khentii protected area.
We will ride through beautiful mountains with thick forest, muddy trails and green grassland. Camping next to Khag River and Tuul river conjection.
Day4. Riding to Khagiin Khar lake.
We will continue riding through the beautiful nature, crossing rivers and marsh meadows. The route condition will be difficult riding through bog and mud. In the evening we will get to the Khagiin Khar Nuur.
Day5. Relaxing day at the lake.
This day will be your leisure day. Go hiking or ride around the lake and take some time to relax and enjoy this beautiful lake.
Day6-7. Riding through Khavirga mountain pass.
In the morning, we will start riding back to Terelj national park. We will ride across the Khavirga mount pass where we will be challenged by marsh and muddy meadows.
Day8-9. Riding through Gorkhi – Terelj national park and Tuul river basin.
Now we have a chance to enjoy galloping on wide open steppe. Both horses and you will be happy returning home.
Day10. Return back to the camp place where the horses live.
Finally we will be back to the base camp. Drive back to Ulaanbaatar.


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