Horse trekking in Orkhon Valley and 8 lakes

Tour description

Horse trekking in famous Orkhon valley, 8 lakes in Central Mongolia. Orkhon valley and 8 lakes are one of the top attractions in Mongolia. this is the best place for traveling by horses with pack yaks or pack horses. Mongolian horses are perfect for traversing the wide open spaces of the grasslands as well as the surrounding mountains. This is the Mongolia of your dreams with the steppes stretching out in front of you and the yurts and herds dotted all around.
You will see Mongolian higher water fall created by volcanic eruptions, beautiful 8 lakes, ancient famous monastery located top on the mountain and hot spring.

ORKHON WATERFALL Is located 100km from Kharkhorin city, the Orkhon rivers flows into the Ulaan river. It features a waterfall, ten meters wide and twenty meters high. In 2.5 million years, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occurred at the head of the Tsagaan Azarga river, located in the Khangai mountain range. The hot lava created a layer of thick basalt stone mulch that is hundreds of km deep. Geologist think that The Orkhon rivers flow on the basalt stone river created a massive canyon.

Eight lakes of varying size are located in the Khangai mountain range in central Mongolia, these mountains have formed from the volcanic eruptions that have occurred throughout the ages. The names of the lakes are Shireet, Khaliut, Bugat, Khaya, Duruu, Onon, Khuis, and Bayan-uul. These lakes are 2700m-3165m above sea level. The distance between the lakes rages from 500m to 3 km. The biggest lake is called lake Shireet. These lakes are surrounded by Siberian pines and a Siberian larch forest. The mountains around these lakes are connected by a flat area that is made up of volcanic stone. Around this area, there are a few volcanic craters. These lakes were created when the Khanbayan volcano erupted behind the Khangai mountain range, and its lava thickened and hardened, blocking the Tsagaan-azragariver. An area of 11.500 hectares has been protected as a National Park since 1995.

Day1. Pick up and drive to Kharkhorin ancient capital of Mongolia
Day2. Meet the family and our horses
Day3. Start horse riding trek
Day4. Reach the one of 8 lakes
Day5. Explore 8 lakes
Day6. Ride back to the family
Day7. Ulaan tsutgalan waterfall and drive back to UB or Start ride to Tovkhon monastery
Day8. Tovkhon monastery
Day9. Mogoit hot spring
Day10. Drive back to Ulaanbaatar

Day1. Pick up and drive to Kharkhorin ancient capital of Mongolia
Early in the morning, we will pick you up and drive to Ancient Mongolian Capital city. We will see famous ErdeneZuu monastery and KharKhorum museum. Overnight next to the Orkhon river in tent.
Day2. Meet the family and our horses
After breakfast we will drive to Orkhon valley and Batolzii sum. Meet the family and horses and ride a horse shortly or hiking around there. You will be enjoy the beautiful green landscape.
Day3. Start horse riding trek
Saddle up! We will start horse riding to the 8 lakes with yaks. The yak will carry our equipments, foods and tents. It will be very interesting. Overnight in tent.
Day4. Reach the one of 8 lakes
This day we will pass most difficult part of our way. There is high rocky mountain but horses and yaks already knows the way and they are really good. You will be proud of them. And after this mountain we will be camping next to the first beautiful lake. Overnight in tent.
Day5. Explore 8 lakes
It's time to see the famous 8 lakes. We will see the lakes one by one and gallope between the lakes.
Day6. Ride back to the family
We will ride back to the family and sleep overnight in the Ger camp. Because the family place is just on our way to the Tovkhon monastery.
Day7. Ulaan tsutgalan waterfall and drive back to UB or Start ride to Tovkhon monastery
We will see the Mongolian tallest waterfall called Ulaan tsutgalan. If you booked 7 days tour we will drive to Ulaanbaatar after the waterfall. Or you will start horseback ride to the Tovkhon monantery if you booked 10 days trek.
Day8. Tovkhon monastery
This day we will see the Tovkhon monastery which is located top on mountain with forest. You will see amazing landscape with forest.
Day9. Mogoit hot spring
Last day we will go to the Mogoit hot spring with our horses. And then ride back to the family place.
Day10. Drive back to Ulaanbaatar
After breakfast we will drive to Ulaanbaatar.


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