Horse riding in The Bogd Khaan mountain

Tour description

Bogd khaan mountain is located in Tov province, between Ulaanbaatar and Zuunmod city. Manzushir monastery is very close to Zuunmod city. It's just 30 minutes drive from Ulaanbaatar.
And aslo we will visit to the nomadic family. Explore their life style is how interesting.

The Bogd Khan Mountain Strictly Protected Area is Mongolia’s and perhaps the oldest officially and continuously protected site in the world. Officially, declared a sacred mountain reserve in 1778, evidence of its protected status dates back to the 13th century, predating the establishment of the United States’ Yellowstone National Park by nearly 100 years. The entire massif, extending some 32km east to west, up to 16 km north to south, and topped by 2252m Tsetsee-Gun Peak. The mountain landscape features dense coniferous forests and bare rock on the upper slopes, and open grassland, including wildflower meadows, at lower elevations. Each site is believed to be owned by a spirit. The form of spiritual masters varies according to the shape of the mountain. The spiritual master of the Bogd Khan Mountain is the shape of a Garuda, a huge and powerful bird. Manzushir Monastery is located in the southern part of the mountain Bogd Khan mountain.
This horseback riding tour is a perfect choice for you to experience the Bogd Khan Mountain that includes a visit to a historical temple and a nomadic family. Manzushir Monastery is a former Buddhist monastery established in 1733 and destroyed by Mongolian communists in 1937.

Day1. Pick you up and drive to Bogd khan mountain and Manzushir monastery
Day2. Ride to the family where the horses live
Day3. Visit Nomadic family, Ride back to the Camp

Day1. Pick you up and drive to Bogd khan mountain and Manzushir monastery
Pick up from your hotel or airport, drive to Bogd khaan mountain. We will visit to Manzushir monastery and Bogd Khaan mountain museum. Then meet our horses near the museum. After lunch we will start our horse trek. stay overnight at tents.
Day2. Ride to the family where the horses live
Keep riding to the family who owns horses. Meet the nomadic family and enjoy the evening with the family and their horses, cows, sheeps and goats. Sleep overnight in a traditional Ger.
Day3. Visit Nomadic family, Ride back to the Camp
Ride a horse in the morning and enjoy the charm of the steppe for one last time. Afte lunch we will drive to Ulaanbaatar.


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